Monitor CCTV Cameras from Multiple DVR Locations with CMS Software

iDVR-PRO CCTV DVRs include remote camera viewing software that lets users connect to multiple installation locations. Business owners can have a DVR at each of their physical locations and use the iDVR-PRO CMS software to login to all locations to watch their entire enterprise. Users can create custom views that consist of security cameras at the different locations. This page describes how to use the iDVR-PRO software for Windows. Mac software is also available.
New! Viewtron CMS Software
CCTV Camera Pros no longer recommends iDVR-PRO DVRs. Our best selling DVR is now Viewtron. The Viewtron software for Mac and Windows PCs is able to connect remotely to multiple
IP camera NVRs, hybrid BNC security camera DVRs, and even directly to Viewtron network IP cameras. Custom views can be configured that consists of cameras from different locations. Below here is more information on our legacy iDVR-PRO product and the setup instructions for existing customers. You can learn more about Viewtron CMS software for security cameras here. In addition to the remote live camera viewing, the CMS software also supports remote recorded video search and playback, e-map builder to keep track of camera locations, and alarm notifications. This software is for Windows PCs. This software is included with all iDVR-PRO CCTV DVRs.
Please note that these instructions assume that you have already setup port forwarding and can access your DVR remotely. If you have not yet done this, please follow these instructions to setup port forwarding.
You can also
watch a video demonstration of this DVR software here.
How to setup CMS Software to View Multiple DVRs
Follow these instructions to configure the iDVR-PRO CMS software to connect to multiple DVRs. The latest version of the
CMS software can be downloaded here.
After the CMS software is installed on your computer, double-click on the iDVR-PRO CMS icon to start it. W
hen the software loads, you will be prompt for a User ID and Password. The default login is ADMIN and password is 1234.
Click on the setup tab in the upper left, then click on configuration. Next, click on the Add button in the lower right and enter your DVR connection information.
- Device Name: this can be any name you choose for your DVR
- Model: H.264 DVR
- Address: the IP address or hostname of your DVR
- Port: 8080
- ID: ADMIN (all caps)
- Password: 1234
- Leave the Auto connection checkbox checked
Repeat these steps to add additional DVRs.

When you are done adding all of your DVRs to the configuration, click on the apply button in the lower right. The software will try to connect to all of your DVRs. You can check the device status field to confirm that it was successful. Press OK when done.

The camera views that you create can be either private or shared. Private means that only the ADMIN user has access to them. Shared means that other users (if you decide to create any) can also have access. Select either private or public and click on the create new group button. Camera "views" are organized into groups, which you can name whatever you want.
So, views can consist of cameras at one or more locations (DVRs). Views are organized into groups and groups are either private only to the ADMIN user or shared among all software users.

After you create a group, select it and click on the create view button. You can choose either 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect ratio. Then choose how many cameras you want to display and the type of layout to use.

To add cameras to your view, you can expand each of your DVRs in the system overview window. Then grab and drag the security cameras that you want to add, one-by-one onto the grid.

When you are done adding your cameras to the view. Click on the live view tab in the upper left. If the DVR viewer software successfully connected to all of the DVRs that are included in this view, you will see a live view of all of the security cameras.

You can click on the small arrow on the right of the navigation screen to expand and collapse the left navigation. This allows you to have a fullscreen view of your CCTV cameras.

If you want to add additional camera views, click on the setup tab in the upper left. Select the group that you want to add the view to. And, select the aspect ratio, camera number, and layout that you want to add. You can repeat these step to add as many views as you choose.

Click on the live tab again in the upper left. To switch between the different camera views that you configured, tap on the tab of the view that you want to make active.
Watch this video demo to see the iDVR-PRO CMS software connect to a business and home video surveillance system. Mike configures a custom camera view in the software that consists of three cameras from the business system and three cameras from the home system.
Learn more about iDVR-PRO
iPhone App
Android App
Mac Software
Windows CMS Software
Click here to
learn more about the latest iDVR-PRO CCTV DVRs.
iDVR-PRO Works with Analog CCTV and HD Security Cameras
Users can mix and match different camera technologies. This is perfect for customers that have existing CCTV cameras and want to upgrade to high definition over time. Hybrid iDVR-PROs work with the following security camera types and resolutions.
- AHD Cameras (720p, 1080p, 3mp, 4mp, 5mp resolutions supported)
- HD-TVI Cameras (720p, 1080p, 3mp, 4mp, 5mp, 4K / 8mp resolutions supported)
- Analog CCTV Cameras (all analog resolution supported including CIF, D1, 960H)
- 4MP Security Cameras - AHD and HD-TVI cameras supported at 4MP resolution
- 4K Security Cameras - iDVR-PRO supports HD-TVI format 4K cameras
Request a Demo
If you do not currently have an iDVR-PRO and would like to log in to the demo unit at our office, please request a demo login below. You will be able to log in from iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices. You can also log in from Macintosh and Windows computers. Please
click here to request a demo login.
Complete CCTV Systems
Did you know? CCTV Camera Pros can provide a complete surveillance system quote that includes any iDVR-PRO model with cameras, cables, connectors, power supplies, and monitors? We can even mix and match SD and HD security cameras because the latest iDVR-PROs are hybrid. They work with CCTV, AHD, and HD-TVI type cameras. As you have probably already seen on our website, we have 2, 4, 8, and 16 camera surveillance systems in pre-made packages. However, it is not possible for us to package up every combination and quantity of all the different camera models that we carry. So, we can also provide you with a custom quote with as many cameras as you need and a mix of any combination of camera model(s) based on your project requirements.
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About the Author
This article was written by
Mike Haldas, co-founder and managing partner of CCTV Camera Pros. If you have any questions about iPhone security camera app for iDVR, please email me at