Surveillance DVR Dual Monitor / Spot Monitor Live Display Setup
for iDVR-PRO HD / CCTV Camera DVRs
This article will go over how to set up the dual monitor / spot monitor feature for iDVR-PRO HD surveillance DVRs. All iDVR-PROs have high definition HDMI and VGA outputs. iDVR-PRO A models only support dual monitor mode. The iDVR-PRO H series DVRs support dual monitor and spot monitor modes. In spot monitor mode, can use the HDMI output as the main monitor and VGA as a spot monitor or vice versa. This is a good solution for users that need to see a continuous live view their security cameras on one monitor and use the other monitor for DVR management such as general viewing, playback, settings, etc. You can watch a demo video here.
Dual Monitor
In dual monitor mode, both the HDMI and VGA outputs the main display (mirror mode). Dual monitor mode is supported by A and H model iDVR-PROs.
Spot Monitor
iDVR-PRO8H and iDVR-PRO16H models support spot monitor mode, in addition to dual monitor. This allows one monitor to display a customizable continuous live video feed, while the other monitor displays the main monitor for DVR operations such as configuration and recorded video playback.
Watch this video to see the spot monitor setup at CCTV Camera Pros office using an iDVR-PRO16H DVR and 16 HD CCTV cameras (1080p AHD and 1080p HD-TVI type cameras).
HD Spot Monitor Setup
Follow these instructions to select between dual monitor and spot monitor modes.
1. By default, the iDVR-PROM and H series DVRs are to set to output duplicate displays on both the VGA and HDMI outputs.
To set up one of the displays as a spot monitor, select Menu > System Setup > Display > Dual Monitor.
Next, change the Display Mode from Duplicate These Displays to Main Monitor + Spot.
Once we have it set to Main Monitor + Spot, to the Display Type and set which monitor you would like to run as the Main Monitor and select which you would like to use as the Spot.
NOTE: We recommend keeping the Display Resolution set to Auto. This way it picks up the best resolution for your monitor's spec.

2. Next, you can setup custom display screens and camera ordering for the Spot Monitor display. Click the Edit button next to Spot. You can now select the Add View Type button to select the cameras you would like to display on the Spot monitor. You may configure up to 16 displays that consist of single, quad, 9 channel, and 16 camera screen views.

Once you have the cameras / views setup, you can select the Apply button. That is it, you have successfully setup the iDVR-PRO DVR to run Dual Monitors.
Legacy Model Spot Monitor Support
Our legacy, non HD iDVR-PRO models (analog CCTV only), use an analog BNC output for the spot monitor. You can refer to this article for analog spot Monitor Output Setup information.
Please, continue below for setup instructions if you have an iDVR-PRO8H or iDVR-PRO16H that supports HD over coax cameras (AHD and HD-TVI cameras).
Learn more about iDVR-PRO
iPhone / iPad Compatible |
Android Compatible |
Mac Compatible |
Click here to learn more about the latest iDVR-PRO CCTV DVRs.
Works with Analog CCTV and HD Security Cameras
Hybrid iDVR-PROs work with the following security camera types and resolutions.
- AHD Cameras (720p and 1080p resolution models supported)
- TVI Cameras (720p and 1080p resolution models supported)
- Analog CCTV Cameras (all analog resolution supported including CIF, D1, 960H)
Request a Demo
If you do not currently have an iDVR-PRO and would like to log in to the demo unit at our office, please request a demo login below. You will be able to log in from iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices. You can also log in from Macintosh and Windows computers. Please click here to request a demo login.
Complete CCTV Systems
Did you know? CCTV Camera Pros can provide a complete surveillance system quote that includes any iDVR-PRO model with cameras, cables, connectors, power supplies, and monitors? We can even mix and match SD and HD security cameras because the latest iDVR-PROs are hybrid. They work with CCTV, AHD, and HD-TVI type cameras. As you have probably already seen on our website, we have 2, 4, 8, and 16 camera surveillance systems in pre-made packages. However, it is not possible for us to package up every combination and quantity of all the different camera models that we carry. So, we can also provide you with a custom quote with as many cameras as you need and a mix of any combination of camera model(s) based on your project requirements.
About the Author
This article was written by Mike Haldas, co-founder and managing partner of CCTV Camera Pros. If you have any questions about iPhone security camera app for iDVR, please email me at