Geovision Surveillance DVR Network Setup / Port Forwarding
The Geovision Surveillance DVR's are accessible remotely through multiple devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry mobile devices as well as PCs. Before users can access their Geovision DVR remotely, they must setup port forwarding on the router attached to the DVR. The instructions below will walk you through all the necessary steps for remote viewing.
Network Setup / Port Forwarding
The instructions below explain how to configure a Geovision Surveillance PC DVR for remote viewing.
1. First, ensure the GV-System is up and running. On the main screen, click the Network button, then click WebCam Server. (Shown Below)

2. Now click the Mobile tab and then select the option box to enable it. (Shown Below)

3. Then click the JPG tab and click the checkbox next to Create JPEG/GIF file(s). Click OK to save the settings. (Shown Below)

4. Make sure the Geovision PC is connected to a router.
5. Now on your PC press the Start button and go to All Programs, Accessories and then Command Prompt. (Shown Below)

6. Once in Command Prompt type in ipconfig and press Enter. Your IP Address will then be displayed as shown in the second image below. Please write this down as you will be using it later on.(Shown Below)

7. Now select your router's brand below for Port Forwarding instructions. In the router, you will need to forward ports (Webcam) 80, 4550, 5550, (Mobile) 8866, 5511, and 56000.
Comcast SMC
Comcast TC8305C
8. Now you have to make sure the ports forwarded are open. You can do this by going to The remote IP Address will automatically populate under Enter IP or Hostname, you will leave this info as is. Change the Enter Port To Scan field to read 80, 4550, 5550, 8866, and 5511 and press Scan. (One at a time)
NOTE: If the port is open you will use the remote IP Address you get from the . However, you will need to type it in as follows via web browser - http://ipaddress:port number, eg. if your IP Address is then it should look like this when you type it into your web browser -
NOTE 2: If the ports are showing closed and you have a DSL provider, you will need to call your provider and have them bridge the modem to your third party router. This is a standard procedure.